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Featured: Non-Alcohol drinks

Afterglow (na)
Afterglow (na) (2)
Alice Cocktail (na)
Angostura Cocktail (na)
Baby Cocktail (na)
Baby Orange Fizz (na)
Batman (na)
Beach Blanket Bingo (na)
Bobby Cocktail (na)
Cafe Mocha (na)
Cranberry Cooler (na)
Cranberry Sour (na)
Cranberry Sparkle (na)
Cranberry Splash (na)
Creamy Creamsicle (na)
Dry Grapevine (na)
Fruit Juice (na)
Fruit Juice Cooler (na)
Fruit Loops (na)
Grapefruit Lemonade (na)
Horses Neck (na)
Lime Cola (na)
Lime Cooler (na)
Lindsey (na)
Orangatang (na)
Orange Cocktail (na)
Orange Fizz (na)
Orange Sparkle (na)
Orange Tonic (na)
Orange Velvet (na) (1)
Orange Velvet (na) (2)
Pacman (na)
Pink Lemonade (na)
Pussyfoot (na)
Rosy (na)
Roy Rogers (na)
Saint Clemence (na)
Saratoga (na)
Shirley Temple (na)
Sunrise (na)
Sunset Island (na)
Virgin Baybreeze (na)
Virgin Collins (na)
Virgin Lime Rickey (na)
Virgin Madras (na)
Virgin Margarita (na)
Virgin Mary (na)
Virgin Seabreeze (na)
Wavebender (na)
Yellowjacket (na)
Yellowjacket (na)
BarBug's Mocktails - Non-Alcohol Cocktail Recipes

BarBug Straight Up: Mocktails are cocktails with no alcohol. Sometimes called Virgin drinks, favorites include the Shirley Temple, although most drinks can be made into Mocktails by eliminating the alcohol.

Print Custom Recipe Books of all the Non-Alcohol drinks recipes or all the drinks you can make with your on-hand spirits & mixers, or print recipe books using all of your favorite ingredients.

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